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Discontinued ChatGame 1.0.1

Compatible API Versions
[email protected]
NOTE: sorry for my english :с

description: "Send new game in chat"
default: op
description: "Send correct response the game in chat"
default: true

Example commands:
/cgame 123 + 456 1 - send game in chat through 1 minutes
/equal - open the form and write the correct answer

Config.yml - description parameters:

showGame: 5
isAutoSender: true - Enabled/Disabled automatic generate send game

showIntervalAuto: 1 - send automatically game to chat in delta minutes
RandomFirstMinA: 33 - {a} - first digit min
RandomLastMinC: 33 - {c} - second digit min
RandomFirstMaxA: 3000 - {a} - first digit max
RandomLastMaxC: 1245 - {c} - second digit max
moneyMinXP: 145 - {money} - mim
moneyMaxXP: 1000 - {money} - max

help_1: "Send the game - %n/cgame <number> <+ or - or *> <number> <delay - in minutes>"
help_2: "Send a response by opening the form -%n/equal"

err_1: The game automatically sends the game to chat
err_2: Not less than 1 minute
err_3: No more than 10 minutes
err_4: 'Values are incorrect, example: /cgame 123 + 456 4'
err_5: The operator is incorrectly specified, you can specify (+ or - or *)
err_6: 'Values are incorrect, example: /cgame 32332 - 7566 2'
err_7: Show commands - /cgame help
err_8: Expect the game to show...
err_1: Wrong answer :с
err_2: The answer is incorrectly entered - only numbers can be indicated

info_1: Write the correct answer
info_2: 'The command to give the answer is #a/equal'
info_3: '#l#n >>>>> List of commands <<<<<'
info_4: '{a} {b} {c} = ?'
info_5: '#a#l Correct answer c:'
info_6: 'OK. The game will appear in {t} minutes'
info_7: '#a#n>>>>>>GameChat<<<<<<'
info_8: '#aPlayer {playerName} has the correct answer'
info_9: '#aHe receives money in the amount of: {money}$'
title: '#aWhat is your answer?'
placeholder: 'Write your answer here'
label: '#fSolve the following example: §l {a} {b} {c} =?'

Other information:
- if the answer is correct, the player is given money, therefore this plugin uses the EconomyApi api

- each chat message or in gui elements can be configured in config.yml

- if you answer the expressions correctly, then the money is formed randomly, uses the parameters in the config for this (moneyMinXP - the minimum value, moneyMaxXP - the maximum value)

- the generation of mathematical examples are formed randomly, using the following parameters:

  1. RandomFirstMinA - minimum value {a}
  2. RandomFirstMaxA - maximum value {a}
  3. RandomLastMinC - minimum value {c}
  4. RandomLastMaxC - minimum value {c}
- in the group of messages parameters describes the output of texts in chat and in gui in the form of errors and information

suffix in config.yml:
note - suffixes are valid where specified in the config
{a} - first digit
{b} - operator
{c} - second digit
{t} - time in minutes

{playerName} - nikname player
{money} - got the money


I tried to describe everything clearly, if there are errors or questions, write!
Thanks с:

Contacts me: | [email protected]
First release
Last update
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  1. ChatGame

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