NPC / Slapper

NPC / Slapper 2.7.1

Compatible API Versions
NPC plugin for Cloudburst Nukkit

(ID is the NPC's entity ID that you can get with /npc getid.)
Spawn NPC: /npc spawn <entity type> [name tag]
Remove NPC: /npc remove (and click the NPC)
Get list of all available entities: /npc entities
Get entity ID: /npc getid
Add console command: /npc addcmd <ID> <cmd>
Add player command: /npc addplayercmd <ID> <cmd>
Delete console command: /npc delcmd <ID> <cmd>
Delete player command: /npc delplayercmd <ID> <cmd>
Delete all commands: /npc delallcmd <ID>
See all commands: /npc listcmd <ID>
Edit NPC: /npc edit <ID> <item|offhanditem|armor|scale|name|scoretag|tphere|block|skin> [value]

- You can use %n to split the text on multiple lines in NPC name tags
- You can use
%p to use player name in commands like tp %p 100 100 100
- You can use %uuid to use player uuid in commands
- If you find bugs please report them here:
- Notice that the entity name in /npc spawn command is case sensitive

Need an addon for NPC rotation? Check out NPCRotation by PocketMiner82

Plugin developer:
You can check whether entity is an NPC by checking
or specifically a human NPC

Want to support the development of this plugin? Donate via PayPal
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Reactions: LavieGS
First release
Last update
4.67 star(s) 18 ratings

More resources from PetteriM1

Latest updates

  1. Bugfix

    Fixed unable to spawn some NPCs and delallcmd incorrect output
  2. Update

    - Added support for offhand item - Lots of bug fixes
  3. Update

    Added new entities: - Allay - Axolotl - Frog - GlowSquid - Tadpole - Warden

Latest reviews

Amazing plugin, works very well and i have no isue with it. The management is really great you can change things so easly. I love this plugin
Nice but please add WaterdogPE support. Waterdog's /server command didn't work on addcmd or addplayercmd.
Great plugin i wish this plugin could support waterdogpe:)
All PetteriM1's plugins are amazing including this one. Keep up the great work.
Lots of nice feature. Could add delay for running multiple commands?
Great plugin.Can I carry it to the Minecraft Chinese forum?I will mark the original address.(My English is not very good, please understand)
great plugin! It would be better if there's a documentation of all the commands we can use. Inputting commands on MCPE is really hard especially on the testing stage. Still gave 5 stars anyway.
Good plugin for warp npcs to lobby and simple enough to set up (as long as you have to do it only once XD)
good plugin , I think you can let command /npc remove and /npc getid is on or off
I think that this plugin should be updated for more compatibility with the latest nukkit versions
What do you mean? What should be changed?