Nukkit installer (For Linux)

Experimental Nukkit installer (For Linux)

This is a simple program written in Python to install Nukkit on your Linux system. This can be useful for people who don't know a lot about the Linux terminal and installing stuff.

NOTE: If this is your first time running this, you need to run: cd && mkdir NukkitServerFiles
After you run that, you will never have to do that again...

How to install

Just copy and paste this long command into a terminal:

sudo apt install unzip -y && sudo apt install git -y && cd && cd NukkitServerFiles && git clone && cd Nukkit-Installer/ && sudo apt install python -y && clear && sudo python3


Q: Where are all my server files installed?
A: In ~/NukkitServerFiles/Nukkit-Installer/

Q: The installer gives me an error when I try to start the server!
A: Does the distro you let you install java? Do you have root permissions? Are you using Python 3?

Q: Where can I get help?
A: Contact me through here or email me at [email protected]

Q: Why does it ask for my password?
A: It needs root permissions to install java and everything else that Nukkit needs to work.

Q: What distros will this work with?
A: Ubuntu and really any distro that is Debian based.

Q: What does it look like?
A: There should be an image below of what it looks like.

Q: Are you planning to make anything else?
A: Yes. I'm planning to make an installer for Android and Windows
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

Latest updates

  1. Fixed installer downloading nukkit.jar into the wrong directory.

    Fixed installer downloading Nukkit.jar into the wrong directory.