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  1. RealAstro

    Getting an online player

    UPDATE: For anyone that's looking for the answer it's Player target = this.plugin.getServer().getPlayer(args[1]); Took a while to find it
  2. RealAstro


    is it possible for you to add it on github to allow us to add our own edits on it? it's a free resource i don't think it would be a big issue ;)
  3. RealAstro

    Help - How check if an item has an specific enchantment.

    Item item = Item.get(Item.DIAMOND_PICKAXE, 0, 1); if (player.getInventory().getItemInHand().equals(item) && item.hasEnchantments()) {
  4. RealAstro

    Getting an online player

    I'm creating a command and i want to know a way to give a player something with a command /moneypouch (player) (tier) (amount) on bukkit its Player target = Bukkit.getServer().getPlayer(args[0]); i would like to know if it's similar to it
  5. RealAstro

    How to create a command?

    or you can use switch (command.getName().toLowerCase()) { case "command": break;
  6. RealAstro

    How to create a command?

    if (command.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("command")) { //your code }