
  1. H

    Experimental HMVIP 1.0

    This plugin is beta. If there are any bugs, please let me know in the comments /vip help - for more help /vip give <player> <vip> <time> - give vip#only player and has permission or op hmvip.premission.admin.give /vip clear <player> <vip> - clear vip#can't use...
  2. H

    ShowCommand 1.0

    Display the instructions entered by player in the console Command: /sm reload premission: hmsm.premission.admin.reload bug: Error will be reported when using /sm command No error will be reported when using / SM reload
  3. H

    Shout 1.1

    Shout Command: /shout <message> premission: hmshout.premission.shout /shoutadmin premission: /shoutadmin reload premission: hmshout.premission.admin.reload and you can:
  4. H

    CustomMessage 1.0

    CustomMessage - config.yml default: #please don't change! version: 1.0 #Prefix,use/cm reload #can use this:( Prefix: '&r[&eCustom Message&r]' DeathMessage: #Message Message: '%player_name% Death!' enable: true ChatMessage: #Message Message: '%player_name% say: %message%' enable: false...