Crafting Shears - I get ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException


New Member
I love this server software in it ease of use and setup. My daughter and I have used it periodically the past year or so, and her biggest complaint was not having mobs. The mob plugin with nukkitx is great and runs true. But now, I have a sheep that fell into a mine I created underneath a beautiful cobblestone tower erected from remnants of said mine. I was going to keep the sheep in there and shear him up for wool, but when i try to craft a nice new pair of Shears, I get an error on the server console:


Then the object disappears in my inventory, and I trudge on, killing the wild sheep to collect wool so I can have a place to sleep at night.

Now, I'm a mild d-bag when it comes to posting errors and would like to give everyone the correct data to form the correct solution to my problem, but couldn't find a list of necessary deliverable attachments to do so (log files, etc). If anyone would like more information bear with me as I might answer a question with a question (where do i get that log file?).

Nukkit detected an error and I've attached that log file.



New Member
I was able to create the shears, but now i just beat up the sheep with them. I'll play around with them tonight once i find another sheep (killed the last one with my shears...)