How to create a very simple plot plugin.

Hi there! I going to make a survival server on plot, but I don't want to use PlotSquared plugin, I want to use my own plot plugin. I hard to understand PlotSquared code, so this why I ask here. I hope will someone help me to make a very simple plot plugin. Like plot generator, how to know if a player is standing on a plot, and other.


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Staff member
Hi there! I going to make a survival server on plot, but I don't want to use PlotSquared plugin, I want to use my own plot plugin. I hard to understand PlotSquared code, so this why I ask here. I hope will someone help me to make a very simple plot plugin. Like plot generator, how to know if a player is standing on a plot, and other.
Use the math. Just take a flat generator and modify it to generate for example paths around plots. You can calculate it from chunk coordinates, where to put the path in my opinion. Anyway why not to use plot squared? I think it's better option.