World spawn


New Member
If I type /set worldspawn everyone don't spawn on the spawn that I set. Why?
Hi am having the same issue and can't set it back to a new spawn. It's strange.
I tried to set it with: setspawn setworldspawn spawnpoint
And none of them works...

Am using:
Nukkit git-0906844 「」 implementing API version 1.0.9 for Minecraft: BE v1.14.60 (protocol version 390)

And these plugins:
FormAPI v1.0.1
LuckPerms v5.1.18
EssentialsNK v1.9.2
MobPlugin v1.12.0
LobbyNK v3.6.5
Wormhole v1.0.1


New Member
If I type /set worldspawn everyone don't spawn on the spawn that I set. Why?
Hi everyone, I solved the issue it was actually a setting in LobbyNK config file.
multiworld: true
multilobby: true

now it is set to:
multiworld: false
multilobby: true

And everything is working as intended now.
