
DLevelEventPlus 1.1.8

Compatible API Versions
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This plugin can manage your world events, and it supports template function, which will makes it more convenient.
Supported Functions
You can use a existed template to manage your world easily.
You can make a specific language config in your language.
You can protect your farm from being ruined.
And much more functions wait you to explore!
Save a new config for worlds - /dwp addworld world
Add an admin - /dwp admin add/del player world
Add an operator - /dwp operatorlist add/del player world
Add a whitelist - /dwp whitelist add/del player world
Open the edit window for the world you stay now - /dwp edit
Save configuration - /dwp save
Reload configuration - /dwp reload
PS: You can use these functions in games with GUI support easily.

Permission Desciption
Admin: Admin has the superior power that can use all functions.
Operator: Operator can edit the world that he was authorized.(He or she needs to stay in that world)
Whitelist: If a player owned a whitelist to a world, he or she can enter that world. Default: Everyone can join the world.

Language File For English
Please replace the contents in 'lang.yml' with the contents below!
PS: I translated these texts into English on my own. I would appreciate it if you could rectify any existed translation below in the comment area. Or if you can translate these into your native language, that will be of great help.

Version: 2022070101

#tips translations
  AntiTouchFlame: You are not allowed to touch flame blocks in this world!
  AntiTrampleFarmland: You are not allowed to trample the farmland in this world!
  AntiUseFishingRod: You are not allowed to use fishingrod in this world!
  AntiUseFlintAndSteel: You are not allowed to use the flint and steel in this world!
  AntiUseChest: 'You are not allowed to open this chest: %position% !'
  AntiTeleport: 'You are not allowed to teleport in the world: %s!'
  AntiSneak: You are not allowed to sneak in this world!
  AntiSprint: You are not allowed to sprint in this world!
  AntiSwim: You are not allowed to swim in this world!
  AntiFly: You are not allowed to fly in this world!
  AntiGlide: You are not allowed to glide in this world!
  AntiJump: You are not allowed to jump in this world!
  AntiPickUpItem: You are not allowed to pick up the item in this world!
  AntiConsumeItem: You are not allowed to consume items in this world!
  AntiBedEnter: You are not allowed to enter the bed in this world!
  AntiDropItem: You are not allowed to drop items in this world!
  AntiCommand: You are not allowed to use this command in this world!
  AntiAllCommand: You are not allowed to use all the commands in this world!
  AntiChangeGamemode: You are not allowed to change your gamemode in this world!
  AntiMove: You are not allowed to move in this world!
  AntiEat: You are not allowed to move in this world!
  AntiTntExplode: Successfully prevent an explosion!
  AntiAllExplode: Successfully prevent an explosion!
  AntiPvp: You are not allowed to fight with other players in this world!
  AntiPortalEnter: You are not allowed to enter the portal in this world!
  AntiVehicleEnter: You are not allowed to enter the vehicle in this world!
  AntiPlaceBlock: You are not allowed to place the block in this world!
  AntiBreakBlock: You are not allowed to break the block in this world!
  AntiPlaceSpecificBlock: You are not allowed to place this block!
  AntiBreakSpecificBlock: You are not allowed to break this block!
  AntiDestroyFlameBlock: 'You are not allowed to destroy flame block in the world: %s!'
  AntiChangeSignText: 'You are not allowed to change sign text in the world: %s!'

#gui text translations
  EditWorldTitle: Edit World
  EditTemplateTitle: Edit Template
  FarmProtect: Farm Protect
  AllExplodes: AllExplodes
  TntExplodes: TntExplodes
  Pvp: PVP
  KeepInventory: KeepInventory
  KeepXp: KeepXp
  AllowOpenChest: OpenChest
  CanUseFishingHook: UseFishingHook
  AllowInteractFrameBlock: InteractFrameBlock
  AllowUseFlintAndSteel: UseFlintAndSteel
  Sneak: Sneak
  Sprint: Sprint
  Fly: Fly
  Swim: Swim
  Glide: Glide
  Jump: Jump
  Pick: Pick
  ConsumeItem: ConsumeItem
  DropItem: DropItem
  BedEnter: BedEnter
  Move: Move
  EatFood: EatFood
  CommandPreprocess: CommandPreprocess
  GameModeChange: GameModeChange
  BanTeleport: BanTeleport
  Explosion: Explosion
  PortalEnter: PortalEnter
  AllowPlaceBlock: AllowPlaceBlock
  AllowBreakBlock: AllowBreakBlock
  Burn: BlockBurn
  Ignite: BlockIgnite
  Fall: BlockFall
  Grow: BlockGrow
  Spread: BlockSpread
  Form: BlockForm
  DoorToggle: DoorToggle
  LeavesDecay: LeavesDecay
  LiquidFlow: LiquidFlow
  ItemFrameDropItem: ItemFrameDropItem
  SignChange: SignChange
  BlockRedstone: Redstone

  SelectWorld: Select World
  SelectWorldContent: Select a world that you want.

  Title: Template System
  Content: Choose the function that you want.
  AddTemplate: Add a template
  EditTemplate: Edit templates

  Title: Edit Template
  Content: Choose a template that you want.

  Title: Add a template
  TemplateName: Template's Name

  Title: Permission System
  Content: Choose the function you want.
  AddPower: Add power to players
  RemovePower: Remove power from players

  Title: MainMenu
  Content: Choose the function you want.
  ManageWorld: Manage Worlds
  ManagePower: Permission System
  SaveInit: Save configurations
  ReloadInit: Reload configurations
  ManageTemplate: Template System

  AddPowerTitle: Add Power to players
  DelPowerTitle: Remove Power from players
  AddPowerDropdownTitle: Available Power
  DelPowerDropdownTitle: Available Power
  ManagerOption: Admin
  OperatorOption: Operator
  WhitelistOption: Whitelist
  PlayerName: PlayerName
  WorldName: WorldName(Except admin, you need to enter)

  Title: Tips
  ReturnButton: Return
  SaveSuccess: Save successfully!
  SaveFailed: Save failed!
  QuitButton: Quit

  - 'DLevelEventPlus - help'
  - 'Save a new config for worlds -  /dwp addworld world'
  - 'Add an admin - /dwp admin add/del player world'
  - 'Add an operator - /dwp operatorlist add/del player world'
  - 'Add a whitelist - /dwp whitelist add/del player world'
  - 'Open the edit window for the world you stay now - /dwp edit'
  - 'Save configuration -  /dwp save'
  - 'Reload configuration -  /dwp reload'
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Update to the latest version

    Update to the latest version, with more features supported.
  2. Fixed the bug: RedStoneEvent is not uncancellable.

    Fixed the bug: RedStoneEvent is not cancellable.
  3. Fixed some bugs

    Fixed some bugs

Latest reviews

Whoaaa, great!
I love it!
Thank you very much for this Plugin!!!
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