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Experimental AshManPro 1.0.4

Compatible API Versions
AshManPro is a simple plugin that clean not require entities and items.

translate is not smooth , change soon afterwards

Markdown (GitHub flavored):
# ____                           ____
#|  _ \ _ __ ___  __ _ _ __ ___ / ___|  ___ _ ____   _____ _ __
#| | | | '__/ _ \/ _` | '_ ` _ \\___ \ / _ \ '__\ \ / / _ \ '__|
#| |_| | | |  __/ (_| | | | | | |___) |  __/ |   \ V /  __/ |
#|____/|_|  \___|\__,_|_| |_| |_|____/ \___|_|    \_/ \___|_|
#    _        _     __  __             ____
#   / \   ___| |__ |  \/  | __ _ _ __ |  _ \ _ __ ___
#  / _ \ / __| '_ \| |\/| |/ _` | '_ \| |_) | '__/ _ \
# / ___ \\__ \ | | | |  | | (_| | | | |  __/| | | (_) |
#/_/   \_\___/_| |_|_|  |_|\__,_|_| |_|_|   |_|  \___/

# prompt message before cleanup
  20: All entities and items will be cleaned after 20 seconds
  10: All entities and items will be cleaned after 10 seconds
# {ic} is the number of items to be cleaned, and {ec} is the number of entities to be cleaned
terminate-message: This cleaning cleaned up a total of {ic} items and {ec} entities
# Ways of cleaning up
  "0": # Clean up all the worlds
    enable: true
    # The following world will not be cleaned up
    eliminate-level-except: ["example world"]
  "1": # Only clean up worlds with players
    enable: false
    # Clean up worlds where the number of players is greater than the threshold
    threshold: 1
    # The following world will not be cleaned up
    eliminate-level-except: ["example world"]
  "2": # Cleaning according to online players' collision box
    enable: false
    # X coordinate offset ±
    offsetX: 16
    # Y coordinate offset ±
    offsetY: 5
    # Z coordinate offset ±
    offsetZ: 16
    # The following players will be cleared of nearby entities or items
    eliminate-player-except: ["pn1"]
# Enable cleaning items
eliminate-items: true
# Do not clean items with NBT
eliminate-items-except-nbtcontains: true
# Clean up the entity
eliminate-entity: true
# Forcing a cleanup of all entities ignores the restrictions on preserving entities
eliminate-entity-force: false
# Delete all entities in the block when the block is unloaded
eliminate-entity-after-chunk-unload: false
# The condition that triggers the cleanup
  "0": # Cleanup when the total number of server entities is greater than a certain value
    enable: true
    # Cleaning is initiated when the number of entities detected is greater than this value
    threshold: 50
    # The detection time unit of second
    detect-interval: 300
  "1": # Cleanup when the average TPS of the server is less than a certain value
    enable: false
    # Cleaning is initiated when the average TPS is detected to be less than this value
    threshold: 19.2
    # The detection time unit of second
    detect-interval: 300
  "2": # Cleaning when the total number of server entities is greater than a certain value and when the average TPS of the server is less than a certain value
    enable: false
    # The number of entities needs to be greater than this value for cleaning to start
    entityThreshold: 50
    # The average TPS needs to be less than this value for cleaning to start
    AvgTPSThreshold: 19.2
    # The detection time unit of second
    detect-interval: 300

Markdown (GitHub flavored):
## API
#### add clean exempted entity
AshManPro.addExemptedEntity(long eid);
AshManPro.addExemptedEntity(Entity entity);
AshManPro.addExemptedEntity(long eid,Entity entity);

#### delete clean exempted entity
AshManPro.removeExemptedEntity(long eid);
AshManPro.removeExemptedEntity(Entity entity);

## Command
/am force | clean all of the entities forcefully.
First release
Last update
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