
FastAsyncWorldEdit dev

Compatible API Versions
Empire92, IronApollo, MattBDev, NotMyFault

Chat/Support: [Discord/GitHub/Wiki]
*Installation guide on download the wiki
Support is NOT given in thread discussion!
Use our discord
Support FAWE: paypal

You must install DBLib in order to run FAWE on Nukkit

> What is FAWE and why should I use it?
FAWE is designed for efficient world editing.
  • Simple to setup and use
  • Extremely configurable
  • Uses minimal CPU/Memory
  • Safe for many players to use
  • Insanely fast, when using the slowest mode
If you use other plugins which depend on WorldEdit, simply having FAWE installed will boost their performance.

> Features for you
  • Over 200 Commands
  • Style and translate messages, commands, GUIs
  • (No setup required) clipboard web integration (Clipboard | Assets)
  • Unlimited //undo, per world history, instant lookups/rollback and cross server clipboards
  • Advanced per player limits (entity, tiles, memory, changes, iterations, regions, inventory)
  • Brush saving, visualization, targeting modes/masks and scroll actions
  • Use Anvil commands to change billions of blocks (e.g. remove all chests, trim worlds, etc)
  • Use CFI commands to generate worlds
  • Convert maps or schematics between PC and MCPE
  • Adds lighting commands. (fix, set, remove)
  • Adds lots of powerful new //brushes and //tools.
  • Adds a lot more mask functionality. (new mask syntax, patterns, expressions, source masks)
  • Adds a lot more pattern functionality. (a lot of new pattern syntax and patterns)
  • Adds edit transforms (apply transforms to a source e.g. on //paste)
  • Adds support for new formats (e.g. Structure Blocks)
  • Instant copying of arbitrary size with `//lazycopy`
  • Allows WorldEdit commands from console (e.g. /jumpto world,0,0,0)
  • Adds progress notifications (titles)
  • Auto repair partially corrupt schematic files
  • Biome mixing, in-game world painting, dynamic view distance, vanilla cui, off axis rotation, image importing, cave generation, multi-clipboards, interactive messages, schematic visualization, lag prevention, persistent brushes + A LOT MORE
> World Editing Performance
There several placement modes, each supporting higher throughput than the previous. All editing is processed async with certain tasks being broken up on the main thread. The default mode is chunk placement.
  • Blocks (Bukkit-API) - Only used if chunk placement isn't supported. Still faster than any other plugin on spigot.
  • Chunks (NMS) - Places entire chunk sections
  • Regions (Anvil) - Directly modifies the map files, has some latency.
  • World (CFI) - Used to generate new worlds / regions
> Protection plugins
The following plugins are supported with Bukkit
> Logging and Rollback
By default you can use `//inspect` and `//rollback` to search and restore changes. To reduce disk usage, increase the compression level and buffer size. To bypass logging use `//fast`.

Third party loggers are supported with BlocksHub but not recommended. Unlike FAWE, no other logger does any data compression, and cannot handle large edits without a huge memory backlog.
> Developer API
  • FAWE maintains API compatibility with WorldEdit so you can use the normal WorldEdit API async.
  • FAWE also has some async wrappers for the Bukkit API.
  • The wiki has examples for various things like reading NBT, modifying world files, pasting schematics, splitting up tasks, lighting etc.
  • If you need help with anything, hop on discord (link above)
> Media
//brush image
//brush flatten

(CFI) Using a 1000 radius brush (15,625 chunks each click)
Persistent brushes (config option):
CFI visualization (3072x3072 map)
CFI brushes (1024x1024 map)
CFI rendering (3072x3072 map)
Brush visualization
CUI without mods (config option):
Off axis rotation
Catenary brush
Blob brush
Brush copy and scatter schematics
Spline brush:
Anonymous Upload/Download interface (There are multiple styles to choose from)

Height Map / Color Map interface

Asset Pack interface

Height map interface:
First release
Last update
3.69 star(s) 16 ratings

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Latest reviews

Dont working, i down Download DBlib and steal dot working
it just doesn't work as promised, there are many commands but, out of 200 commands, only about 20 works
This plugin is number one. Lucky to be on Nukkit. And still active for many years
Absolutely Amazing plugin! A must-have for any server, it works anywhere!
Incredibly fast. A must have if you are doing large scale builds, or want to use schematics.
For me fawe doesn't work anymore and that since I got plotsquared
Please help since today fawe isn't working anymore and yes I've already reinstalled
22:55:11 [INFO ] Enabling FastAsyncWorldEdit v19.03.29-d13b946-1257-22.0.14
> java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: modifiers
at java.base/java.lang.Class.getDeclaredField(
at com.boydti.fawe.config.Config.setAccessible(
at com.boydti.fawe.config.Config.<init>(
at com.boydti.fawe.config.Settings.<init>(
at com.boydti.fawe.config.Settings.<clinit>(
at com.boydti.fawe.nukkit.core.NukkitWorldEdit.onEnable(
at cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase.setEnabled(
at cn.nukkit.plugin.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(
at cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager.enablePlugin(
at cn.nukkit.Server.enablePlugin(
at cn.nukkit.Server.enablePlugins(
at cn.nukkit.Server.<init>(
at cn.nukkit.Nukkit.main(
at com.boydti.fawe.nukkit.core.NukkitWorldEdit.onEnable(
at cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase.setEnabled(
at cn.nukkit.plugin.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(
at cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager.enablePlugin(
at cn.nukkit.Server.enablePlugin(
at cn.nukkit.Server.enablePlugins(
at cn.nukkit.Server.<init>(
at cn.nukkit.Nukkit.main(

ERROR ....
it is good but there is little to no explanation to how it works. going to several youtube channels is really frustrating when i am trying to learn one feature
Such a life saver