Spoof player name?

Mike C

New Member
Sorry for the bad title. I am trying to help my son with something and am out of ideas. Hoping someone can help us.

My son added the NPC plugin and created an NPC which he wants to "/takemoney" from a player and also "say" he stole $1. Adding the takemoney command to the NPC works, and that was easy, but the "say" part is proving to be difficult. We've added the Targets plugin thinking that we can use @s so only the person executing the command on the NPC will see the say command ( say @s I stole $1) but then it looks like you are saying it to yourself. Another option was to use addcmd instead of addplayercmd to the NPC, so it looks like it's coming from the server, but then there is no way to @s (we tried @p, but that didn't work either). Lastly I tried the Fakeplayer plugin and created a fakeplayer which I was hoping to do a sudo fakeplayerName, but you can't use sudo against the fake players.

This is obviously a silly task, but we are stumped and determined to find a way. Let us know your thoughts!


Staff member
Don't use the targets, use the placeholders.
In NPC plugin I think it's {player}, or if it's using PlaceholderAPI, it would be %player%